Plastic-free, organic, safe, comfortable & sustainable period care products. This is what we make. But, what we make is just a small part of who we are.
Welcome to Cambio, a tribe that is for you and about you.
We wear many hats in our Iives- mother, daughter, businesswoman, homemaker, and so many more. And what is common? We have all bled. And we want to cherish all these roles with comfort, even while we are bleeding.
Comfort, which is not only physical, but largely mental. If we could do away with the stigma surrounding menstruation. If we could smash the taboos and eliminate the myths. We, as a Society would take one step forward to being inclusive.
Hence, here we are- to create a sense of belonging. To facilitate discussion on what is hushed. To shine a light on what is dark. To normalize menstruation, sex education, and all that which should be normalized. Cambio woman is a safe space for you to share your experiences, learn from women who are just like you, and make a community of your own.
Our products? They are an extension of our passion for healthy womankind and a healthy environment. They are innovative to support you on the run. They are kind to you so you can continue being kind to those around you. They are biodegradable so that you do not have to harm the Earth. They are made keeping you in mind.
We invite you to join us & begin your journey of discoveries and self-love!

Know the Founder
The Founder of Cambio, Bhagyashree, is a fierce woman leading a storm of change. She aims to equip all young girls and women with the best sanitary care possible. With her brand, Bhagyashree wants to introduce a way of period care that breaks the norms. She wants to create a rebellion of love, care, and cautious efforts in this world full of shame, misogyny, and envy. With her vision for the brand, she wants to reach the maximum number of menstruators and equip them with a better way to tackle their sanitary needs with sustainable products.
Unify with her vision to make this world a better place for women, one period at a time.