How to remove period stains

How to remove period stains?

For fresh period stains, prioritize flushing with cold water or soaking the garment in cold water for at least 30 minutes.  Address persistent stains by pre-treating with an enzyme-based stain rem...
Why do I lose my appetite during my period

Why do I lose my appetite during my period?

Several factors can contribute to losing your appetite during menstruation, including hormonal fluctuations and menstrual symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and fatigue. The press...
How to increase blood flow during periods

How to increase blood flow during periods?

To increase blood flow during periods, engage in light to moderate exercise, drink plenty of water, apply heat to affected areas, eat foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties, and rest when neede...
Can sanitary pads cause yeast infections

Can sanitary pads cause yeast infections?

Yes, sanitary pads can cause yeast infections, causing symptoms like itching, burning, and discharge. Moisture, heat, friction and wearing a sanitary pad over an extended time can create an environ...
How long does period bloating last

How long does period bloating last?

The duration of period bloating can vary widely from person to person, but generally speaking, bloating can last for several days up to a week. It's caused by a combination of factors, including ho...
Can sanitary pads cause rash or blisters

Can sanitary pads cause rash/blisters?

Yes, sanitary pads can cause rashes or blisters, especially if the materials used in the pads are not organic and breathable. When choosing menstrual hygiene products, choose for those made with na...
Why does my vagina burn on my period

Why does my vagina burn on my period?

A burning vagina during your period can be caused by hormonal fluctuations leading to dryness, or by irritation from period blood or feminine hygiene products. While some burning is normal, see a d...
How to dispose of sanitary pads at home

How to dispose of sanitary pads at home?

The best way to dispose of sanitary pads at home is to wrap each used sanitary pad in toilet paper or disposable cleaning paper, and then dispose of it in the trash. Make sure to close the trash ca...
Why am I so Horny on my Period

Why am I so horny on my period?

Some females becoming horny during menstruation can be attributed to hormonal changes, heightened blood flow to the pelvic area, relief from symptoms like cramps, psychological factors, and individ...